

Chairman's speech




Althoughtheroadisendlessandfaraway,I still want to pursue the truth in the world. Inspired by the grand vision of "achifwing customers, benefiting employecs, making work and Ife coexist harmoniously, and building new manpower with science and technology,caichuangpecplerelyontenaciouswill,fearess courage, innovative concept andexplorationspinit.Wehaveconstantly innovated business practices, confiriuously strengthened theability of resource organizafion, and formed a unique value. Caichuang peopie always adhere to the dovelopmont concept of "integrity, progmatism, sharing and innovation"。 and are commitoed to the enteprise environmentofexternallharmonyard strict internal control. Through the continuouB upgrading of business model, caichuang people realize the harmonious coexistence of social putblic welfare and commercial value, antd the advantages of organic synergy alnd mutual promotion, so as to provide inexthaustibiepositiveeenergyforthesustainalinalble and healthy developmont of the company. Caichuangpeoplealwaysmaintainthhe military style of daring to overcomedifficulties and challenge themselves.To create the spirit of this team:the determinationtopursuetruth,rigorous and pragmatic style, sublate the conoept of innovation, the courage to facke difficulties and dangers, indomitable will, the responsibility of the world andthe courege to be the first in the world. WehavethehonortoexperiencethiseracftherejuvenationoftheChinese nation and grow together with all parties in a harmonious environment. Let's go hand in hand to create a better future.

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